One of the most frustrating aspects of applying for a credit card is the wait. Not only do you have to sit around while the credit card company approves your application, but you have to wait four to six more weeks while they process your request and mail you the card. If you want to bypass this system entirely, you might be interested in instant approval credit cards.
Essentially, instant approval means that you don’t have to wait for a credit card issuer to process your application manually. Instead, you fill out the application online, then their computer system accesses your available credit file. If you meet certain criteria, you are approved immediately and a card is issued. If you are not approved, the Web site will tell you as much right away.
In most cases, these types of credit cards only work for people with excellent credit. Bankruptcies, payment delinquencies, lawsuits and other credit blemishes will typically disqualify you for instant approval. However, if you have good credit and a solid credit history, you might be eligible for these offers.
To find instant approval credit cards, you need only visit the Web sites for credit card issuers or use a search engine to locate offers. If the company offers instant approval, it will say so before you fill out the application. You can also check credit card offers that arrive by postal mail or e-mail; many of them will indicate a Web site address that it will approve you within 60 seconds or so.
Make a list of the credit cards that interest you the most, then compare the benefits for each card. Just because you can get it more quickly doesn’t mean that you should hold back on the features you desire. For example, if you want a card that offers rewards points, there are dozens of offers that allow for instant approval. Look at other factors, such as insurance options and interest rates, before filling out the application.
You will also need all of the necessary information at hand before you apply. The application will ask for your address, social security number, contact information, employment history, salary information, references and past residences. Collect all of this information before you sit down at your computer so you don’t get halfway through the application and have to quit to find something.
Once you’ve completed the online application for a credit card, the Web site will ask that you verify the information that you’ve entered. Make sure you go through every answer and make sure that you’ve given correct data; if you make a mistake, it could result in a denial of credit even if you would have otherwise been approved.
After you’ve verified the information, you can click SUBMIT and the computer will begin to process your application. This usually takes 15-30 seconds, though it could take longer depending on your Internet connection. It’s important that you don’t hit the BACK button on your browser or anything else or you’ll interrupt the process and have to start all over again.
If your application is accepted, you should receive your card in one or two weeks, at which point you can begin charging. Just remember to re-check the Terms & Conditions to ensure that they are the same as when you applied. You will also need to check your paperwork to find out your credit limit, which is often supplied to you upon approval, as well.
Is there really such a thing as Instant Credit Card Approval?
Instant credit card approval, for most, used to only be a thing of legend. Applications had to be filled out and sent off, and then the long waiting period began. One day, usually weeks after the process began, a letter would come from the credit card company informing the applicant of his approval or denial. Even if a person was pre-approved for a card he still had to send off for it to be official.
Speedy Online Approval The process has changed significantly over the past few years. The Internet has made approval on many cards just seconds away. While technically it isn’t instant, a person can know if he qualifies for a card while he is still online.
Getting a Credit Report Before Seeking Instant Credit Card Approval Many sites that allow a person to apply for a card and find out if he is approved or not in an incredibly short time also offer the consumer a chance to do a personal credit check. The check will be an overview of one’s credit, and it will give a person an idea of what cards he should even bother applying for. This can help save time, because even applications that can be approved or disapproved instantly have to be filled out. The credit check can also help a person understand why he might not be approved for certain cards. Applications take into account a person’s current income and assets, but even those who are “doing well” might have a history of late payments. Something like this may very well appear on one’s credit report, and will often lead to an instant disqualification when applying for a new card.
Find out more about credit cards that may offer instant online approval. Choose from secured credit cards where you do not have to have the best credit and then you can choose from cards that approve your application online or deny you online like the some card issuers.