Foursquare Apps can save you this Shopping Season

Say you are shopping for the Big Black Friday weekend or just out doing some Christmas shopping on your vacation time you may not think about taking time to Check-in with Foursquare. Foursquare is an app made for the iPhone and also on Android that lets you Check-in just like Facebook places. The only thing is it normally is time consuming to have to pull up the app and check in to every store you pull up to or every restaraunt. This Foursquare app does it with ease but now gives you a better reason than just earning badges and being able to brag to your friends that you were shopping at Neiman’s or Dining at Three Forks with your other half.

Facebook places and Foursquare are both now adding coupons to their inventory of check in locations and making it well worth the effort of checking to see if your store has a coupon. If you cannot find a coupon close or promotion then keep seearching because I bet it is closer than you think. I was eating at one restaurant and almost left to go over to Chili’s to use their appetizer coupon then caught my self shopping in the mall and headed to the stores that offered better savings. Check it out on your iPhone and you will be addicted to this app.

One example of this app coming in useful is if you are shopping in an area that is close to a restaurant that is offering a special on Foursquare. Say you are inside Toys R’ US and you check-in to find that Pei Wei has a free appetizer. Ok, time to head over and unlock the Free appetizer badge.

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