If you have been seeing charges for rewards on your credit card you may want to call your credit card company immediately and dispute them. There are a few things the charges could be including a charge from the actual card you are using. Chase credit cards allows a third party to bill your credit card for rewards programs that really amount to nothing and their are other offers that are really dirty.
If you have went to the movies recently using Fandango or MovieTickets.com or maybe on some other sites there may be a pop-up window that asks you to save $10. Advice from The Consumerist warns users not to enter your email address because the fine print sets you up on a Webloyalty monthly subscription service.
Your credit card statement may say RESERVATION REWARDS NORWALK
SHOPPERDISCOUNT.COM NORWALK, or WLI*. You may call to cancel at 1-800-889-8776 and they will issue you a refund. If that does not work then contact your credit card directly and dispute the charge.