You’ve probably seen an advertisement for a payday loan and thought it sounded too good to be true. While many companies offer legitimate payday loan services, it’s always a good idea to check out an offer before you sign on the dotted line. If a company advertises large cash advances with no credit check, there’s probably something fishy.
Payday loans are a popular financing option for people who need cash for emergency situations or for unforeseen financial burdens. In the past couple of years, the government has cracked down on payday loan companies in an effort to protect consumers. For example, in May of 2005, the Senate passed a bill that provides customers who default on payday loans with an additional three months to pay them off.
For those of you looking for a reliable resource for fast cash, Money Tree Payday Loans is an excellent option. Money Tree is the leading provider of payday loans on the West Coast. In addition to providing straightforward terms and consistent rates, Money Tree also gives back to the community through rewards programs and other fundraising efforts.
Money Tree provides check cashing services as well as short-term payday loans. Money Tree allows you to post date a check for amounts ranging from $50 up to $1,000. When applying for a payday loan, you must provide contact information for yourself and for your employer. A payday loan is a short-term solution. This type of loan is an excellent alternative to pawning your property, borrowing from friends or family members, accruing late fees for past due bills, or bouncing checks due to insufficient funds.
Compare Payday Loans Companies