Get your interest Money Returned. If you pay interest on your credit cards each month then this may be the card for you. If you are not one of those lucky people who get the to pay their balances off each month then this could be a way to earn some of that interest. This card has a fixed rate of interest so you save money in that sense and then it returns some of that interest back to you at the end of the year. This Money Return Visa pays 10% back of the total interest you paid in each year. The return check is sent out to you at the end of the year. This is a great card to have if you wish to profit off the interest that you pay in each month. The link below points to this card where it advertises a low fixed 0.0% introductory APR on Purchase and/or Balance Transfers applies for the first six billing cycles following the opening of your account (the introductory period).
Also try these other classic and platinum cards from Bank of America:
Get more “return on your money” from a high interest checking account from WaMu. You may also try a card that gives you freedom at the tank to get a larger return on your spending at malls and gas stations.