Student loans allow people from all walks of life to attend colleges and universities around the world. These loans make the dream of higher education a reality for millions of people every year. When it comes to finding a reliable resource for your student loan, Great Lakes Student Loans is one of the best in the nation.
With over 40 years of experience lending money to students, schools and guarantee agencies, Great Lakes is one of the top providers of student loans in the country. According to recent statistics, Great Lakes Student Loans has helped more than 1.4 million borrowers secure funds for higher education. These loans amount to more than $22 billion dollars in college funds.
Great Lakes works directly with institutions of higher education and lenders to determine a fair and reasonable loan amount for each student. The loan amount is based on need as well as the ability to pay back the loan over time. Generous concessions are made for students in need. Great Lakes provides loans for first-time students as well as those people returning to college for secondary degrees.
One of the things that distinguishes Great Lakes Student Loans from other educational lending companies is the rate at which loans are approved. In recent years, Great Lakes Student Loans has incorporated the Internet into the loan approval process for even greater efficiency. Working with IBM to create a web-based business model has improved customer service and communications and has served to redefine the student loan application process.
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