Chase credit cards, like most major credit cards these days, offer a number of different options for potential members. It is possible for people with very different financial situations to find cards that work for them. Credit limits, annual fees, and interest rates vary from card to card, allowing people to virtually tailor their cards to their needs. It is not a coincidence that many people’s first credit card is a Chase MasterCard. There are a number of credit plans that are well suited for people who do not have a credit history. These cards feature relatively low credit limits and relatively low fees.
Differences Between Chase Credit Cards
The majority of credit cards today offer members some type of reward program. Chase cards are no different. The Chase Perfect Platinum, along with having a zero percent introductory APR for nine months, gives members a three percent to six percent rebate on all gas purchases and a one percent rebate on all other expenditures. The Chase Ultimate Rewards gives a person one reward point for every dollar spent. Points can be redeemed for gift certificates, merchandise, or airline tickets. People who carry the Chase Cashbuilder Platinum can receive a cash reward of up to two percent.
A rewards card that separates Chase from other credit card companies is the Chase Universal Card. Members gain points for each dollar they spend. Those points can then be traded in for DVDs, CDs, and movie tickets. Chase Universal users even get a free movie ticket when they make their first purchase. Basically, given the rate at which we all use our credit cards for nearly all of our purchases nowadays, most people figure that rewards programs are a win-win situation. The lure to sometimes overspend, thinking that it will only bring us more rewards can be dangerous, however. For those people who manage their credit well, and tend to spend a lot of money on big-ticket items like vacations and electronics, rewards cards provide excellent benefits.
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